التخطي إلى المحتوى

Detecting Malware

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This learning path covers intermediate-level knowledge and skills needed to detect and identify malware either from a given sample, or actively operating on a device on a variety of device platforms.

آخر تحديث في: 26 يوليو 2024


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Read the learning path overview, objectives, associated threats, and prerequisites

وحدة 1

Interpersonal skills for detecting malware

Before you start looking into any malware, you need to set up a safe environment to do so. Since malware does bad things to the systems it runs on, you do not want to run it on your primary system

وحدة 2

OPSEC prerequisites for detecting malware

When you set up your malware detection environment, it's a good idea to create some rules and processes to reduce the risk of any security breaches

وحدة 8

Sample-based detection and determination

You have a sample of a file and need to determine if it is malicious. This may have been sent to the target by email, social media, or instant messenger, or transferred over removable media or otherwise. Here, we learn how to view this sample in analysis platforms or sandboxes